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Assez peu d’actualités dans le monde de la RA en novembre 2024. Comme tous les ans on commence à sentir les effets du CES de janvier et les entreprises gardent des “cartouches” pour y alimenter les journalistes !
Nos rendez-vous de la communauté XR/AR/VR/MR continuent. Ce mois-ci nous vous attendons dans le chaleureux restaurant "Ti Amo" (Châtelet).
C'est l'occasion idéale pour se détendre, commenter l'actu XR, revoir ou rencontrer des passioné(e)s #AR #VR #MR #XR et élargir votre réseau autour d'un verre 🍹 ou d'un repas 🍕
C'est l'occasion idéale pour se détendre, commenter l'actu XR, revoir ou rencontrer des passioné(e)s #AR #VR #MR #XR et élargir votre réseau autour d'un verre 🍹 ou d'un repas 🍕
Match XR is an annual pre-Slush event focusing on the current state of Extended Reality (XR), Spatial Computing, Web3, AI and enabling technologies. Match XR is organized by Helsinki XR Center and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Once a year, the event assembles XR & emerging tech stakeholders, opinion leaders and peers around the globe under the same roof at the vibrant heart of Helsinki to share ideas, demonstrate their solutions and create meaningful connections.
Once a year, the event assembles XR & emerging tech stakeholders, opinion leaders and peers around the globe under the same roof at the vibrant heart of Helsinki to share ideas, demonstrate their solutions and create meaningful connections.
Whether it's the newest research, a fascinating development, or an innovative experiment, the Tech Espresso series is designed to keep you informed, inspired and connected.
Each session kicks off with a keynote on the topic by a speaker in the field, together with reflections by our Chief Experimentalist Kasper Jordaens.
After the presentation, we’ll open the floor for a conversation, allowing everyone to share their experiences, ask questions, and connect with fellow XR enthusiasts.
Each session kicks off with a keynote on the topic by a speaker in the field, together with reflections by our Chief Experimentalist Kasper Jordaens.
After the presentation, we’ll open the floor for a conversation, allowing everyone to share their experiences, ask questions, and connect with fellow XR enthusiasts.
Tech for Retail est le salon européen qui réinvente le retail. Il propose un panorama complet et pertinent des outils digitaux et innovations technologiques et éco-responsables aux métiers du Retail. De la Supply Chain à la Fidélisation Client, la technologie s’impose aux retailers, chaque jour un peu plus et à tous les niveaux.
We cordially invite you to contribute and join us at the 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024. The European Association for eXtended Reality (EuroXR) the ultimate gathering for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). This year, the conference is co-organized by the Institute of Communication and Computer System (ICCS) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and will take place in Athens, Greece, from November 27th to 29th, 2024.
Solving the vergence-accommodation conflict - the mismatch between perceived and focal distances for stereoscopic 3D displays - represents a critical hurdle to overcome for spatial computing to reach its full potential. Aside from increasing the comfort of XR (eXtended Reality) headsets, overcoming the issue would help interactions with virtual content become seamless, blurring the line between the simulated and the real. In 2023, multiple technologies that close this gap have been demonstrated, yet the industry has yet to settle on the best approach.
This year, the first day is dedicated exclusive to topics related to museum, cultural heritage & XR. The 7th of November is the main conference day - open to a wide range of topics including the metaverse, AI, healthcare, training & simulation, education, gaming, and technical development within XR. The last day is dedicated to meetings and workshops.
Après un travail de recherche de près d’un an, trois journées d’étude, et des rencontres avec plus de 50 experts internationaux de divers horizons, Renaissance Numérique a le plaisir de vous inviter à la présentation de son rapport "Gouverner le Métavers et l'internet de demain".
This summit will dive into the cutting-edge world of augmented reality and the future of art. From augmented reality enhanced artworks to the fast developing technologies like AI generated artworks, we will explore how artists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital realm.
The Global XR Conference 2023 is a free, non-profit, two-day event. Organized for the community and by the community around extended reality (XR) – virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, Metaverse, and more.
Conférences plénières, débats et points de vue d’experts, market room et training room en continu, networking, MetaDays vous offre une opportunité de vous informer, de débattre, de prendre le temps de présenter vos innovations & projets et enfin de rencontrer les futurs professionnels de cet écosystème en plein boom.
Le SATIS est le salon francophone dédié à la création et aux innovations technologiques au service des marchés médias, du divertissement et de la communication audiovisuelle.
Join us for the official start of the sixth annual Lens Fest as we celebrate our global creator community and share exciting new updates.
This conference follows a series of successful international conferences initiated in 2004 by the INTUITION Network of Excellence in Virtual and Augmented Reality, supported by the European Commission until 2008. Embedded within the Joint Virtual Reality Conferences (JVRC) from 2009 to 2013, it was known as the EuroVR international conferences from 2014 and until 2020. This year, EuroXR will be held collocated with Immersive Tech Week (formerly VRDays)
C’est avec un grand plaisir que RA’pro sera présent au SATIS 2021 pour animer une table ronde sur la création de contenu et plus particulière sur l’utilisation des technologies immersives, au delà des décors virtuels ! Inscrivez-vous rapidement pour y participer le 10 novembre à 16h30.