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The Metaverse Safety Week (MSW) is an international community effort, led by the X Reality Safety Intelligence (XRSI), marking its 4th remarkable year of pioneering a collective, global effort.
This year XRSI programming will be focused on organizing global roundtable discussions bringing together a distinguished group of policymakers, tech innovators, global leaders, and safety advocates from around the world in a span of 5 days.
This year XRSI programming will be focused on organizing global roundtable discussions bringing together a distinguished group of policymakers, tech innovators, global leaders, and safety advocates from around the world in a span of 5 days.
A partir de cas concret d'atteinte à la vie privée, la EFF donne quelques pistes de développement pour que l'arrivée de la réalité augmentée dans nos vie ne soient pas une surveillance de masse